CV of the author

        Frank L. Lambert graduated with honors from Harvard University and received the doctorate from the University of Chicago (under Professor M. S. Kharasch). After military service in WWII and industrial research and development, he joined the faculty of Occidental College. His primary concern was teaching and his publications in the field included a call for abandonment of the standard lecture system (because Gutenberg lives on in printed texts), the first article showing how lecture-size organic molecular models and atomic orbital models could be made from Styrofoam, and, in quite different vein, the first article on thermodynamics and theology in Zygon. For many years he taught "Enfolding Entropy" a course for non-science majors. His research in the synthesis and polarography of organic halogen compounds was always designed for undergraduate collaboration and all but one of his papers were published with student co-authors. Professor emeritus in 1981, he became the scientific advisor to the J. Paul Getty Museum and has continued similarly with the Getty Conservation Institute as it grew to have a staff of 14 scientists.


"Shakespeare and Thermodynamics: Dam the Second Law!", F. L. Lambert,  
"Why Don't Things Go Wrong More Often? Activation Energies: Maxwell's              
      Angels, Obstacles to Murphy's Law",  F. L. Lambert, The Journal of
Chemical Education, 1997, 74 (8),     947-948.
"Chemical Kinetics: As Important As The Second Law Of Thermodynamics?", 
         F. L. Lambert,  The Chemical Educator, 1998, 3 (2)
"Shuffled Cards, Messy Desks, and Disorderly Dorm Rooms – Examples of          
Entropy Increase?  Nonsense!", F. L. Lambert The Journal of  
Chemical Education, 1999, 76 (10), 1385–1387



(AE, 1925)            The second law of thermodynamics is time's arrow
(FLL, 1996)                but chemical kinetics is time's variable clock.


(FLL, 1998):         Chemical kinetics firmly restrains time's arrow
                                   in the taut bow of thermodynamics
                                        for milliseconds to millennia.


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